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  • Create Date 5. December 2024
  • Last Updated 5. December 2024

What’s new in Version 2024.2

FSI Co-Simulation Interface
▪ The co-simulation interface has been updated and is now available as version 3. This version offers an optional inclusion of the local fluid impedances to the data send from APOLLO to the coupled structural dynamics code. The impedances are optionally used for the pressure extrapolation when the structural solver performs sub-cycles. Thereby, the stability of the coupling process is significantly improved particularly for UNDEX.
▪ The optional inclusion of particles in the coupling process was already implemented in version 2 and is further available in version 3. Versions 1 and 2 of the interfaces are still available in the current APOLLO version (2024.2).
▪ New versions of LS-DYNA executables which are equipped with the co-simulation interface v3 have been compiled for Linux and Windows (download package LSDYNA 2024.2 from https://apollo-blastsimulator.de). The new version can optionally use the fluid-impedances provided by APOLLO for extrapolation of the pressure applied during sub-cycling. Furthermore, the impulse transferred upon impact of APOLLO particles onto the coupling surface is now included in LS-DYNA. The specification of parameters for LS-DYNA with co-simulation interface v3 in LSDYNA-FSI_INPUT.txt has been simplified (see section FILE FORMATS in this manual). The interface versions 1 and 2 are no longer supported in our LS-DYNA executables.
▪ A new history file PROJECT_fsi is now generated if the co-simulation interface is used. The file contains relevant time-dependent parameter values related to the coupling process.

Memory Update Mode
▪ APOLLO-B3d has a dynamic memory management associated with the dynamic mesh adaption. While memory updates hitherto employed temporary scratch files in the project folder or the tmp-directory, the preferred method now temporarily stores data in the RAM-memory. This allows a faster processing of memory updates. See section B3D for details.

▪ The functionalities which permit a user-defined setting of resolution levels (Zoom, Degrading, Part Specific Levels) can be applied in combination and may address overlapping regions.
What’s new in Version 2024.2
Therefore, a sensible priority order is required for cases of overlapping regions. This priority order has been improved – see section DMA for details.
▪ The definition of the undegraded region in the input for the Degrading functionality is now specified in terms of the xyz-position of the minimum corner and the size of the box-shaped region in xyz-directions (formerly the position of the maximum corner was specified). The input scheme is thus consistent now with other specifications related to box-shaped region.

Options affecting robustness
▪ In rare cases problems such as an ever decreasing time step size may occur under extreme flow conditions. As a treatment for such cases some specific options affecting the robustness can now be selected for APOLLO-B3D (see section B3D for details).

Alternative Linux executables
▪ We now provide two versions of executables for Linux: one version has been linked on ROCKY Linux 9.3, the other on CentOS 7. See manual chapter Executable Modules for more information.